Sunday, December 22, 2019


The Setting of For Anne Gregory:

It is well known that after 1898, Yeats spent every summer in the home of Lady Gregory at Coole Park in County Galway. Eventually, he also purchased a ruined Norman castle called Thoor Ballylee in the neighborhood. While living there, he spent a lot of time with Lady Gregory’s family, including young Anne. Perhaps this poem is set in Coole itself, at either Lady Gregory’s home or at Yeats’, on an occasion when he and Anne were talking. However, it is equally possible that the poem is set entirely in Yeats’ imagination, and that the conversation with Anne never really took place.

Summary of For Anne Gregory:

The poem consists of 18 lines in total. These lines are not divided into stanzas. Here they are divided into meaningful segments for the purposes of this summary in order to make the poem easier to understand and follow.

Lines 1 – 6:

In these lines, the poet is speaking to the young Anne Gregory. He tells her that her hair is the same color as honey. The way her hair falls over her ear, entirely enveloping it within the strands, makes the poet think of the ramparts one finds surrounding a castle and protecting it against attack from the outside. The poet knows that the sight of her beautiful hair has made many a young man fall in love with her, and also to despair for their overtures are not accepted by her. However, the poet is also sure that all the young men who claim to be in love with her love her for her yellow hair, that is, for her appearance alone. They do not know who she really is, and hence they cannot appreciate her inner beauty, being enamored of her outer appearance only.

Lines 7 – 12:

In these lines, Anne Gregory is giving the poet a response to his statement that men love her only for her outward appearance. She does not say that the poet’s point of view is entirely wrong. Instead, she says that if her yellow hair is what men like, she can easily dye it some other color. That is, she can change her physical appearance. She also suggests what color she might dye her hair, and mentions brown, black and carrot as plausible options. These, she feels, are less appealing than blonde. In other words, she is saying that she can choose to look ugly if she wants. Perhaps if she looked ugly then she would get a chance to find out if it is possible for some man to look beyond her physical appearance and love her for the person she is on the inside.

Lines 13 – 18:

In these lines, we once again hear the poet speaking. He tells Anne Gregory that the previous night he had come across an old man who was quite religious-minded. This old man had asserted that he had found a manuscript in which it was written that only God will be able to love Anne for more than her physical appearance. In other words, the poet is saying that it is a truth since time immemorial that men cannot easily judge women on anything other than their looks. He is also paying Anne the compliment that she can never look ugly even if she wants to.

Rabindranath Tagore - know the poet who wrote our national anthem

Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali Rabīndranāth Ṭhākur, (born May 7, 1861, Calcutta [now Kolkata], India—died August 7, 1941, Calcutta), Bengali poet, short-story writer, song composer, playwright, essayist, and painter who introduced new prose and verse forms and the use of colloquial language into Bengali literature, thereby freeing it from traditional models based on classical Sanskrit. He was highly influential in introducing Indian culture to the West and vice versa, and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist of early 20th-century India. In 1913 he became the first non-European to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Tagore had early success as a writer in his native Bengal. With his translations of some of his poems he became rapidly known in the West. In fact his fame attained a luminous height, taking him across continents on lecture tours and tours of friendship. For the world he became the voice of India’s spiritual heritage; and for India, especially for Bengal, he became a great living institution.
Although Tagore wrote successfully in all literary genres, he was first of all a poet. Among his fifty and odd volumes of poetry are Manasi (1890) [The Ideal One], Sonar Tari (1894) [The Golden Boat], Gitanjali (1910) [Song Offerings], Gitimalya (1914) [Wreath of Songs], and Balaka (1916) [The Flight of Cranes]. The English renderings of his poetry, which include The Gardener (1913), Fruit-Gathering (1916), and The Fugitive (1921), do not generally correspond to particular volumes in the original Bengali; and in spite of its title, Gitanjali: Song Offerings (1912), the most acclaimed of them, contains poems from other works besides its namesake. Tagore’s major plays are Raja (1910) [The King of the Dark Chamber], Dakghar (1912) [The Post Office], Achalayatan (1912) [The Immovable], Muktadhara (1922) [The Waterfall], and Raktakaravi (1926) [Red Oleanders]. He is the author of several volumes of short stories and a number of novels, among them Gora (1910), Ghare-Baire (1916) [The Home and the World], and Yogayog (1929) [Crosscurrents]. Besides these, he wrote musical dramas, dance dramas, essays of all types, travel diaries, and two autobiographies, one in his middle years and the other shortly before his death in 1941. Tagore also left numerous drawings and paintings, and songs for which he wrote the music himself.

Rabindranath Tagore


Friday, December 20, 2019

Types of Formal Letters with Samples

Suppose you have to write a letter, how you want it to appear? It should be clear and concise. It should be interesting and easily understandable. Since you have read about letters, you are also familiar with informal and formal letters. Also, you have an idea about the informal and formal letter format.
We know that all these letters have a pre-specified format. Everyone has to write business letters of some type once in their life. It is important to express the main content of the letter in clear and unambiguous term. In this section, we are going to study the types of formal letters with samples. Let us start.

Formal Letter Format

A formal letter has a format which needs to be followed. A typical formal letter format is
  1. Sender’s address
  2. Date
  3. Name / Designation of Addressee
  4. Address of the Addressee
  5. Salutation
  6. Subject
  7. Body – Introduction, Content, Conclusion
  8. Complimentary Close
  9. Signature / Name of the Sender
  10. Designation of the Sender
formal letter format

Types of Formal Letters and Formal Letter Format

A. Letter of Enquiry

As the name suggests this type of letter is the source of collecting information. People usually use a letter of inquiry as one of the most used business letter or formal letter. A letter of inquiry helps a person to have information like some course or job inquiry, prices of services and products, terms and orders or working agreements etc. One must always keep in mind
  • Give a brief introduction about yourself
  • Include the name of the organization (if possible)
  • Provide clear details about the area of inquiry
  • Present your queries and doubt in a clear and understandable form
  • Mention the deadlines by which you need the information
Learn more about the Business Letters here with examples in detail.
The format of this letter is the same as the formal letter format.


16 Ring Road
Nagpur – 01
November 30, 20xx
The Director
ABC Classes
35 Patel Street
Delhi − 18
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Enquiry about CAT Coaching Classes.
This is with reference to your advertisement in the ‘The Times of India’ for CAT Coaching classes. I have passes the B.Sc. degree examination with Statistics as the main subject. I am keen on joining your institute for the coaching classes.
Kindly let me know about the procedure of applying for the qualifying test and its date. I would also like to know the duration of the coaching programme, the duration and the number of classes per week along with the available mode of classes. Information about the fees payable and the study materials is highly appreciated. Could you please send me a copy of your prospectus?
I would like to enroll as soon as possible. Your early response will enable me to decide fast.
Thanking you.
With kind regards

Learn more about Formats of Resume here in detail.

B. Order Letter

When a buyer needs to order some goods, he writes an order letter to the seller. The three main parts of this letter are
  • The details of the items or the goods being ordered must be clearly stated. It must have complete information like the quantity of the goods, model number (if possible), etc.
  • The information related to the shipping must also be clearly given. The mode of shipping, shipping location and the desired date for the goods to be shipped must be clearly stated.
  • The inquiry related payment whether it is the mode of payment, date of payment or terms and conditions regarding payment should be clearly mentioned.
Let’s look at the format with an example.


New Era Business
16 Ring Road
Delhi – 01
November 30, 20xx
The Manager
Woods and Worlds
35 Patel Street
Delhi − 18
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Placing order for furniture.
As we have discussed telephonically, on behalf of our company I like to place an immediate order for the supply of the following set of furniture.
Model No.Name of the ItemQuantity
2148Conference Table03

As we have discussed, we are sending a demand draft of Rs. 20,000 as advance payment. The rest will be paid at the time of delivery. Kindly ship the above order at the above-mentioned address.
Kindly adhere to the terms of the agreement. We hope to receive the order in four working days.
Thanking You.
Yours truly

C. Letter of Complaint

Suppose you placed an order of some items. The quality promised and the quality of the items received is not the same. What will you do? You either want to replace them or want your payment back. How can you do so? This is where the letter of complaint comes into play. While writing this type of letter,
  • One must clearly provide the details of the problem faced
  • Tell what action you want to be taken
  • Provide information like the date of arrival of orders, order number, or the details of the previous complaint (if any)
  • Give a deadline to respond within
  • Attach a copy or a specimen of the invoice or any other receipt
  • Use polite yet assertive words regarding complaint issue
  • Never excuse or make any allegation by self
Let’s look at the format with an example.


New Business World
16 Ring Road
Delhi – 01
November 30, 20xx
The Manager
ABC Stationary King
35 Patel Street
Delhi − 18
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Complaint against Order No. S/24-201S-1147.
This is with reference to the Order No. S/24-201S-1147 place on Nov 17, 20xx. The order consists of letterhead and business cards. As per the agreement, we were promised of receiving the order latest by Nov 22, 20xx. First of all the order did not reach in time. Also, the quality of the papers and design selected for business cards is not matching with the selected one.
We have faced a lot of embarrassment and inconvenience and our reputation is at stake in the eyes of our clients.
Kindly ensure that the order will be replaced latest by Dec 4, 20xx, failing which payment will be stopped or the will be cancelled. I sincerely request you to look into the matter and do the needful as soon as possible.
Thanking you.
Yours truly
General Manager

D. Reply to a Letter of Complaint

Suppose sometime you received a letter of complaint and you want to reply to it. It is most important to try to look after such complaints as they may cost you your/ organization’s reputation. How will you do so? How can you provide better customer services? It is important for you to
  • Clearly address the problem and the trouble costs to the customer
  • Apologize for the error on your side
  • Clearly state the course of actions you will take for the arisen issues and the time until you will do so
  • Assure the customer for no more future grievances and troubles
  • Be very clear and specific about every detail
The format of this letter is the same as the formal letter format.


ABC Stationary King
35 Patel Street
Delhi − 18
December 02, 20xx
The General Manager
16 Ring Road
Delhi – 01
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Reply to the complaint against Order No. S/24-201S-1147.
This is with reference to your Order No. S/24-201S-1147 which you placed with our company on Nov 17, 20xx.
We sincerely apologize to you for the inconvenience caused. Right now we are facing problems with supply from the manufacturer’s end. Also, we are flooded with a large number of orders.
We are taking steps in regard to your complaint and we ensure that we will replace the order latest by Dec 05, 20xx also a similar problem does not occur in future again. We would appreciate your support on this matter.
Thanking You.
Yours Truly

E. Promotion Letter

This type of letters mainly refers to the one of promoting new developments and up-gradation. The promotion can be of anything new opening of a new branch or show-rooms, new schemes, or any other promotional discounts. For any promotional letter, it is very important to
  • Use clear, definite terms
  • Proper use of punctuations and correct spelling
  • Avoid slang, fancy terminologies of jargon
  • Clearly discuss the promotion
  • Avoid the use of abbreviations
Let’s look at the format with an example.


ABC Group of Company
16 Ring Road
Delhi – 01
November 30, 20xx
The Manager
XYA Agency
35 Patel Street
Delhi − 18
Dear Sir,
Sub.: New Branch at QPR Colony.
We are glad to announce the grand opening of a new branch of our company in QPR Colony, Delhi on Dec 05, 20xx.
As a respected client, we are extremely delighted to inform you that this branch is also fully efficient. It offers various solutions to your problems and anything that you would ask for. We are dedicated to providing you with the best service that you deserve.
We would be very happy to have you as our guest in our branch and encourage you to find more of our products.
Looking forward to your visit to our new branch.
Thanking you.
Yours truly

F. Sales Letters

These letters are written to tell about a product to the customers with an intention of selling it. A sales letter helps in the sale promotion and presenting introductory offers. It makes it easy to understand the facts and figures and also strengthen the partnership and the joint ventures. While writing a sales letter one must keep in mind the following points:
  • The language must be formal
  • Only use easy and clear language
  • Avoid slang and use of abbreviations
  • The content must be clear, concise and understandable
  • Avoid adding extra details or information
  • Pay attention towards the targeted audience
  • Provide details, features, uses of a newly launched product
The format of this letter is the same as the formal letter format.


ABC Bank
16 Ring Road
Delhi – 01
November 30, 20xx
The Manager
XYZ Agency
35 Patel Street
Delhi − 18
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Availability of new scheme of an automobile loan.
It provides us with immense pleasure to inform you that we have launched a new scheme for an automobile loan. As a respectable and trusted client, we are providing you with the details of this scheme.
It will take only a couple of minutes to complete all the formalities. The rate of interest of the loan is also very low compared to the schemes of other banks. The bank also provides an opportunity to buy or sell any of the automobiles.
All other information is kept strictly confidential. This service is fast and free and we will provide you with the service within 24 hours.
We will highly oblige to help you to clear any of your doubts. Free feel to contact us. Looking forward to hear from your side.
Thanking you.
With regards,
Bank Manager

G. Recovery Letters

There are sometimes when a company or an organization needs to collect money from a client or a customer. The intention behind writing recovery letters is to recover the money form the customer without bothering or annoying the client. This type of letter includes detail information regarding the amount of unclear payment, last date of payment of the amount, the detail of the legal action in case of non-payment of the dues. Although it is a recovery letter, one must always keep in mind
  • The remainder must be in the polite language
  • The detailed information and the reasons must be clear and understandable by the client
  • The language should be formal
  • Provide the detail of legal action in case of non-payment of further delay in clearing the dues
Let’s look at the format with an example.


ABC Bank
16 Ring Road
Delhi – 01
November 30, 20xx
The Manager
XYA Agency
35 Patel Street
Delhi − 18
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Reminder for paying dues.
This is to remind you that your organization has taken a loan of Rs. 2 crores two years back on June 18. As per the agreement and loan guidelines, on completion of one and a half year, you would need to pay back the 80% of the principal amount with the appropriate interest.
Since now we have received just 50% of the principal amount. As the payment is due since long, we would appreciate if you send the cheque immediately.
I request you to kindly look into the matter within the next six working days. Otherwise, strict legal action will be taken. Kindly acknowledge the matter.
Thanking You.
Yours Sincerely

Solved Example on Types of Formal Letters

Problem:  Which of the following can be used as a Complementary Closure in any formal letter?
  • Yours faithfully
  • Yours truly
  • With sincere appreciation
  • Yours sincerely
  • With sincere thanks
Solution: Except for yours faithfully any of the above can be used as a complementary closure in the formal letters

Poetic Devices

List of different poetic devices used in poetry is as follows -




















Transferred Epithet


The definitions and examples of literary devices which are used in poetry are as follows:

1) Alliteration: The repetition of a consonant sound at the start of 2 or more consecutive words is known as anaphora.
Examples of Alliteration are as follows -

1. Class 10 poem- Snake
“And flickered his two-forked tongue
From his lips, and mused a moment,
And stopped and drank a little more,
From the burning bowels of the earth.
Use of ‘b’ sound in burning bowels.
2. Class 9 poem- Lord Ullin’s daughter
“His horsemen hard behind us ride;
Should they our steps discover,
Then who will cheer my bonny bride
When they have slain her lover/”

Use of ‘h’ sound in His horsemen hardUse of ‘b’ sound in bonny bride

2) Allusion: A reference or suggestion to a historical or well known person, place or thing.
Examples of Allusion are as follows -

Class 10 poem- Not Marble Nor The Gilded Monuments (William Shakespeare)

 “Nor Mars his sword nor war’s quick fire shall burn
The living record of your memory.”
Mars is the Greek god of war. (Reference of well known person, here god)

 Class 10 poem- Not Marble Nor The Gilded Monuments (William Shakespeare)

 “So till the judgement that yourself arise, You live in this, and dwell in lover’s eyes.”
Judgement is referred to the judgement day which is an important day in the Christian religion. They believe that god will judge the deeds of all dead people on this day.

3) Anaphora: The repeated use of word at the start of two or more consecutive lines.
Examples of Anaphora are as follows -
1. Class 10 poem- The Frog and the nightingale
Said the frog:” I tried to teach her, But she was a stupid creature-
Far too nervous, far too tense.
Far too prone to influence.

The word ‘Far’ is used in the beginning of two consecutive lines.
2. Class 9 poem- The Brook
“I wind about, and in and out,
With here a blossom sailing,
And here and there a lusty trout,
And here and there a grayling
Use of ‘And’ in the beginning of two consecutive lines

4) Antithesis: Use of opposite words in close placement
Examples of Antithesis are as follows -
1. Class 10 poem- The Frog and the nightingale
“Every night from dusk to dawn”

Meaning of dusk is sunrise and dawn is sunset. So the two opposite words are in close placement.

2.  Class 9 poem- Song of the Rain

“The voice of thunder declares my arrival;
The rainbow announces my departure.”

Meaning of arrival is to come and departure means to go. So the two opposite words are in close placement.

5) Assonance: The repetition of a vowel sound within a sentence.
Examples of Assonance are as follows -

Class 9 poem- Seven Ages

“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and entrances”

Use of sound ‘e’ (men, women, merely, players, exits and entrances)

Class 9 poem- The duck and the Kangaroo

“Good gracious! How you hop!
Over the fields and the water too:

Use of sound ‘o’ (Good, you, hop, too)

6) Asyndeton: A writing style in which conjunctions are omitted between words, phrases or clauses.
Examples of Asyndeton are as follows -

Class 9 poem- The Brook

I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance

There are no conjunctions used between the four words.

7) Consonance: The repetition of a consonant sound in a sentence. It can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word.

Examples of Consonance are as follows -

Class 10 poem - Not Marble Nor The Gilded Monuments

Than unswept stone, besmear’d with sluttish time
The use of consonant sound ‘s’ and ‘t’ in the beginning, middle and end of the words.

Poem- Rime of the ancient mariner
“Still treads the shadow of his foe”
The use of consonant sound ‘s’ and ‘t’ in the beginning, middle and end of the words.

Poem- Ozymandias

“I met a traveler from and antique land who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone”

Use of sound ‘t’, ‘l’, ‘d’ in the beginning, middle and end of the words.

8) Enjambment: When a sentence continues into two or more lines in a poem
Examples of Enjambment are as follows -

 Poem- ‘A legend of the Northland’

“They tell them a curious story
I don’t believe ‘tis true;
And yet you may learn a lesson
If I tell the tale to you.”
The sentence continues in the last two lines (And yet…… tale to you)

Class 10 poem- The Frog and the nightingale

 “Once upon a time a frog
Croaked away in Bingle Bog
Every night from dusk to dawn
He croaked awn and awn and awn

The sentence continues from first to last line

9) Hyperbole: It is a Greek word meaning “overcasting”. The use of exaggeration to lay emphasis.
Examples of Hyperbole are as follows -
Class 10 poem- Ozymandias
“My name is Ozymandias, King of kings”
Here they have used hyperbole because Ozymandias refers himself as king of the kings.

10) Imagery: The creation of any sensory effect like visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, kinesthetic, organic.( to create scenes in the poem)
Examples of imagery are as follows -

Class 10 poem- The Frog and the nightingale

“But one night a nightingale
In the moonlight cold and pale
Perched upon the sumac tree
Casting forth her melody”
Here we can imagine a scene of night that is cold and nightingale is singing melodiously on a branch of sumac tree

Class 10 poem- The Frog and the nightingale

“Ducks had swum and herons waded
To her as she serenaded
And a solitary loon
Wept, beneath the summer moon

Here the poet has presented a kinesthetic imagery; this means he has described certain movements by ducks and herons that are trying to reach to the sumac tree to hear nightingale’s voice.

11) Inversion: It is also known as “anastrophe” the normal order of words is reversed, in order to achieve a particular effect of emphasis. (Generally the form is changed from active to passive)
Examples of inversion are as follows -

Poem- Lord Ullin’s daughter

“His horsemen hard behind us ride”
The correct form of sentence was (his horsemen riding behind us hard)

Poem- Rime of the ancient mariner

“The sun came up upon the left, out of the sea came he!”
The correct form of sentence was (he came out of the sea)

Poem- Snake

“On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat, To drink there.”
The correct form of sentence is (I had gone to drink there in my pyjamas because of heat)

12) Metaphor: It is indirect comparison by highlighting a particular quality of two things.
Examples of metaphor are as follows -

Poem- The Frog and the nightingale

“You are Mozart in disguise”
Here the nightingale compares frog’s singing ability with that of great musician Mozart

Poem- The song of the rain

“The field and cloud are lovers”
Here the poet is comparing field and cloud with lovers.

Poem- Seven Ages

“All the world’s a stage”
Here the poet has compared world with stage.

13) Onomatopoeia: It is the usage of sound words to create a dramatic effect.

Examples of onomatopoeia are as follows -

Poem- The frog and the nightingale

“Once upon a time a frog
Croaked away in Bingle bog”
So, here the poet used the word ‘croaked’ which is a sound made by the frog

Poem- The Brook

“I chatter over stony ways,
In little sharps and trebles,
I bubble into eddying bays,
I babble on the pebbles.
The words ‘chatter’, ‘trebles’, ‘bubble’ and ‘babble’ are used to show flowing water of a spring

14) Oxymoron: It is when apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction. (here the words are not opposite to each other like it is in antithesis but their meaning is opposite)
Examples of oxymoron are as follows -

Poem- Romeo and Juliet

“Why, then, o brawling love! O loving hate!

Here the word brawling and love are used together. Meaning of brawl is to fight and love is to have affection for other person.

“O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!

Here also both heavy and lightness are written together though they are opposite of each other. Heavy means which has more weight and light means which has less weight.

15) Personification: It means to give human quality to an object or a non living thing.
Examples of personification are as follows -

Poem- Mirror

“I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately”

Here the poet has personified a mirror because the mirror is describing itself.

Poem- The song of the rain

“I am dotted silver threads dropped from heaven
By the gods. Nature then takes me, to adorn
Her fields and valleys.”

The poet has personified rain that describes itself as dotted silver threads from heaven

16) Refrain: A verse, a line, a set, or a group of lines that repeats, at regular intervals, in different stanzas.
Examples of refrain are as follows -
Poem- The duck and the Kangaroo
“Said the duck to the Kangaroo”
In this poem the sentence “Said the duck to the Kangaroo” was repeated a regular intervals. It is different from repetition because here the repetition is being done at regular intervals.

17) Rhyme: The usage of words in a way to create musical effect. It can be internal rhyme or end rhyme.

Examples of rhyme are as follows -

Poem- The rime of the ancient mariner

“The guests are met, the feast is set:
May’st hear the merry din
Here the rhyming words are met and set

“The ship was cheered, the harbour cleared,
Merrily did we drop
Below the Kirk, below the hill,
Below the lighthouse top

Here the rhyming words are cheered-cleared and drop-top

18) Repetition: It is the repeated use of a word of line to lay emphasis
Examples of repetition are as follows -

Poem- No men are foreign

“Remember” word is repeated 5 times.

Poem -On killing a tree

“Pulled out” word is used or repeated 3 times.

19) Simile: It is the comparison between two things or persons by using like or as.
Examples of simile are as follows -

Poem- Rime of the ancient mariner

“The bride hath paced into the hall,
Red as a rose is she”

Here the bride is compared with rose by using ‘as’

Poem- Snake

“He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do”

Here the snake is compared with cattle by using ‘as’

20) Synecdoche: It is a word or phrase in which a part of something is used to refer to the whole of it.

Examples of synecdoche are as follows -

Poem- Ozymandias

“The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed”
Here the word hand is used to refer to the sculptor who made the statue of Ozymandias and heart is used to refer to King Ozymandias who gave the right expression for the statue.

21) Transferred epithet: It is an adjective used with a noun refers to another noun.

Poem- The snake trying

“Pursuing stick”

Here it is not the stick that pursues, rather the person who carries it is pursuing

Poem- snake

“Strange- scented shade”

Here ‘scented’ is used with shade but it is the tree that has the fragrance or the scent and not the shade.