Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dust of snow - Robert Frost

Dust of Snow is only eight lines long and seems to be the simplest of short poems. With full end rhyme and short lines, on the surface the two stanzas appear to be nothing more than a snapshot of a trivial event concerning a crow, a tree, snow and a human being
Dust of Snow has as its main themes:
  • communication between nature and humans.
  • nature healing and helping with negative human emotions.
  • the significance of small natural events
  • Dust of Snow with its short neat form, rhyming lines and rhythmic beat is simplicity itself. It reflects the rather bleak, minimalist imagery.
    There's the speaker, the man, under a tree. It's probably winter, there's snow on the tree, an evergreen pine called a hemlock, and a crow has happened to send some snow dust down on the man.
    Whether it falls on to his head or down his neck is unknown because it's not really relevant to the poem. What is important is the way that crow makes it happen, but once again, the reader is left to imagine the bird's specific action.
  • Dust of Snow with its short neat form, rhyming lines and rhythmic beat is simplicity itself. It reflects the rather bleak, minimalist imagery.
    There's the speaker, the man, under a tree. It's probably winter, there's snow on the tree, an evergreen pine called a hemlock, and a crow has happened to send some snow dust down on the man.
    Whether it falls on to his head or down his neck is unknown because it's not really relevant to the poem. What is important is the way that crow makes it happen, but once again, the reader is left to imagine the bird's specific action.
  • And isn't it ironic that a creature usually linked with negative aspects of life should become the bringer of positive change?
    The message is clear enough. Sometimes seemingly insignificant natural events do bring about change. Being outdoors in nature, with all its unpredictability, can benefit anyone, anywhere at anytime.

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